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Posted By Topic » Armor Question
Group: Site Member
Member Since: 02/06/2006
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Total Posts: 18
Posted: Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 9:52 PM

I've got a question about armor. I understand that armor does not stack with natural armor and with 2 armors that both have a hard rating only the highest applies. Now that we have what I do know out of the way, I'll present my question. For example let's say I take a To-tanem warrior unit give them medium armor and a shield. I know that the medium armor supercedes my natural armor and my armor rating would be 6. What would my hard rating be? If I got hit by something doing a damage rating of 4 would I have the armor rating 2 from the shield or would the hard rating of my natural rating of 3 still apply?



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Posted: Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 11:17 AM
Your would have a Hard Rating of 3. As you mentioned Hard Ratings don't stack and you use the highest of the two.

Your example bove is exactly why I run my To-Tanem naked w/just Normal shield. No point paying 4 pts. to give them medium and only get one more point of armor. Better to have the unit save on 5's instead of 6's and use the 40 points saves somewhere else.

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Group: Site Member
Member Since: 02/06/2006
Member: 219
Total Posts: 18
Posted: Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 1:49 PM Edited on 2011-05-22 13:49:37.0
Akori said:
Your would have a Hard Rating of 3. As you mentioned Hard Ratings don't stack and you use the highest of the two.

Your example bove is exactly why I run my To-Tanem naked w/just Normal shield. No point paying 4 pts. to give them medium and only get one more point of armor. Better to have the unit save on 5's instead of 6's and use the 40 points saves somewhere else.

Okay, not arguing just wanting to make sure I understand. In the situation I laid out above the Hard 3 from the natural armor would for lack of a better phrase "Bleed through" even though the medium armor rating of 4 supercedes the natural rating. I agree with your point about the points being spent on medium armor being better used elsewhere but I wrote it out that way to illustrate my confusion on the rule. Thanks,


btw at least give your poor to-tanem a loin cloth. naked? sheesh

I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. Groucho Marx

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Posted: Monday, May 23, 2011 at 2:15 PM
He likes naked rock muppets.

ToTanem really don't need to bother with anything less than medium armor- and even that is a close call. Shields, I'd argue that large shields are worthwhile for them, but that's just me (I've got a missile fire phobia)...


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